FACTS ABOUT LOW BACK PAIN Your physical therapist wants you to know

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Low Back Pain is Extremely Common

80% of adults will experience low back pain in their lifetime, and 30% of adults have back pain at any given time.

It Is Rarely A Serious Medical Condition

Low back pain can be really scary, but it is rarely life-threatening or disabling. 99% of cases do not require any invasive treatment.

Even When Hurting, Your Spine is Incredibly Strong and Resilient

At any age, your body is made to move, lift, bend and twist. Stay active, and do as much of your normal routine as possible. Bed rest for longer than a day can actually slow your recovery.

Active > Passive

Evidence consistently shows that exercise and education are superior treatments for low back pain in the long-term. However, low back pain is a multi-billion dollar industry and many will attempt to sell you a “quick-fix” involving passive treatment. It’s often overlooked, but the most effective, least risky and least costly treatment is movement and exercise.

Exercising with Some Back Pain is Okay 

4 out of 10 who tried exercise with low back pain never had to see a medical professional. Often, movement will ease your symptoms. If your pain doesn’t improve, or worsens despite exercise, schedule an appointment to see a physical therapist.

Your Prognosis is Good 

About 80% of the time, low back pain resolves in days to weeks with a sensible return to your prior activity level.

An MRI or X-Ray is Unlikely to Pinpoint the Exact Source of Your Pain

In most cases, the exact cause of low back pain is unclear. The purpose of imaging is primarily to rule out non-musculoskeletal causes of pain.

For Those With Persistent Pain, Tackling Lifestyle Factors is Key

Poor sleep quality, increased stress, anxiety, fear, depression, and smoking can all be associated with long-lasting pain. A holistic approach that addresses these problems will be more effective. Be sure to connect with friends and family, prioritize sleep and relaxation, and stay active.

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